101 articles on Process for Android performance


Showing 20 of 101 articles (Page 5 of 6)

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Reducing Our Build Time by 50%

Gojek halved their Android build times to keep their developers moving fast.

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Better Android Testing at Airbnb (Part 2)

Airbnb dives deeper into tricks for rock-solid Android testing.

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Better Android Testing at Airbnb (Part 1)

Airbnb kicks off a series on making Android testing sharper and easier.

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Our Android testing process

Headspace tests Android to keep their app calm and crash-free.

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Project LightSpeed: Rewriting the Messenger codebase for a faster, smaller, and simpler messaging app

Meta rebuilt Messenger from the ground up for speed and simplicity.

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Building a blazingly fast Android app, Part 2

LinkedIn digs deeper into tricks for a lightning-fast Android app.

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Building a blazingly fast Android app, Part 1

LinkedIn shares their first steps to making an Android app scream with speed.

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Modernizing Our Android Build System Part I: The Planning

Dropbox laid out a plan to bring their Android build system up to speed.

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Modernizing Our Android Build System Part II: The Execution

Dropbox put their Android build upgrade plan into action with grit.

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Building High-Performance Mobile Applications at Netflix

Netflix shares how they engineer their apps to stream flawlessly every time.

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Mobile App Automation for Dream11

Dream11 keeps iOS and Android running smooth with slick automation.

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Android Inter-Module Navigation with Dagger

Robinhood uses Dagger to handle navigation between Android app modules.

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Breaking up the App Module Monolith: The Story of Robinhood's Android App

Robinhood split their Android app into chunks to make it easier to manage.

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Improved Mobile Performance

Teamweek shares their overall push to make their app run better.

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Using Docker to build a testing infrastructure for web UI and mobile

LINE uses Docker to build a fast, scalable testing setup for UI.

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The future of multi-modal interfaces

Meta explores new ways to mix voice, touch, and more in app design.

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Android: An Exercise in "Ship It"

Airbnb ships Android fast, embracing a bold “just do it” vibe.

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3x3: Speeding Up Mobile Releases

LinkedIn’s 3x3 framework cuts the time to get mobile updates out the door.

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Mobile Performance: Tooling Infrastructure at Facebook

Meta’s tooling keeps their mobile apps running smooth and steady.

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Improving Mobile Infrastructure for a Seamless Delivery Experience

DoorDash beefs up their mobile backbone for flawless delivery vibes.

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