17 articles on Modularization for Android performance


Showing 17 of 17 articles (Page 1 of 1)

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Modularizing Our Driver App for Android: Benefits & Way Ahead (Part-3)

Gojek shares how splitting their driver app into modules paid off and what’s next.

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Modularizing Our Driver App for Android: The Process (Part-2)

Gojek walks through how they broke their driver app into pieces, step by step.

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Modularizing Our Driver App for Android: The Need (Part-1)

Gojek lays out why their driver app had to go modular for speed and sanity.

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App Modularization and Module Lazy Loading at Instagram and Beyond

Instagram splits their app and loads it lazily for better performance.

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Simplifying Navigation in Multi-Module Android Apps

Meetup makes navigation easy in their multi-module Android setup.

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Android Guild Week 2: More Modules

Strava splits Android code further during their Guild Week 2 push.

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The Benefits and Challenges of Android Dynamic Feature in Tokopedia

Tokopedia weighs the pros and cons of Android Dynamic Features.

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Scaling Slack’s Mobile Codebases: Modularization

Slack splits their mobile code into modules to handle growth with ease.

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Engineering the Architecture Behind Uber’s New Rider App

Uber breaks down the smart design choices behind their revamped Rider app.

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Carbon: Dual Binary Mobile App

Uber built ‘Carbon’ to cut complexity and make their Rider app easier to maintain with a dual-binary twist.

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Scaling Android Apps with Gradle: Different Source Sets (Part 2)

OLX keeps scaling Android using Gradle source sets for efficiency.

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App Modularisation at Scale

Grab splits their app into modules to scale big and stay nimble.

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Scaling Android Apps Using Gradle BuildTypes, ProductFlavors, and Gradle Properties (Part 1)

OLX scales Android apps with Gradle tricks to stay fast and flexible.

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New Rider App Architecture

Uber redesigned their Rider app’s guts to be modular and tough enough for whatever’s next.

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Spotify Modernizes Client-Side Architecture to Accelerate Service on All Devices

Spotify overhauled their app’s client-side setup to speed up tunes on every device out there.

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Android Inter-Module Navigation with Dagger

Robinhood uses Dagger to handle navigation between Android app modules.

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Breaking up the App Module Monolith: The Story of Robinhood's Android App

Robinhood split their Android app into chunks to make it easier to manage.

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