29 articles on App Stability for Android performance


Showing 20 of 29 articles (Page 1 of 2)

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Debugging in the Wild: Unleashing the Power of Remote Tooling

We all strive to build flawless apps, but let's face it - bugs happen. And sometimes, those pesky bugs are elusive, only showing up in the unpredictable chaos of production.

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Snappy, Not Crappy: An Android Health & Performance Journey

Reddit turned their Android app from sluggish to snappy, fixing crashes and jank.

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App Health Through Metric-Aware Rollouts

DoorDash rolls out updates with an eye on metrics to keep their app healthy.

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Real-Time Analytics for Mobile App Crashes using Apache Pinot

Uber’s Healthline tool watches crashes in real time across their mobile apps, keeping things under control.

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Enhancing User Experience: Reducing ANR Rates with DataStore in Skeelo Android App

Skeelo uses DataStore to cut Android ANRs and improve user vibes.

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Preventing App Performance Degradation Due to Sudden Ride Demand Spikes

Grab keeps their app steady when ride demand spikes out of nowhere.

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Deploying key transparency at WhatsApp

Meta rolls out key transparency to lock down WhatsApp’s security.

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Retrofitting null-safety onto Java at Meta

Meta’s Nullsafe tool catches Java null errors before they crash apps.

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How We Reduced Our ANR by Three Times

OkCredit cut Android freezes threefold to keep things flowing smooth.

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Conquering Our Android Crash Count

Strava slashes Android crash counts with determined effort.

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Detecting App Cloning & Location Spoofing on Android

Swiggy catches app cloning and location spoofing on Android fast.

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Recovering from Crashes with Safe Mode

Lyft’s ‘Safe Mode’ kicks in after crashes to keep their app steady for users.

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One Activity to Rule Them All: Reducing Crashes in the Etsy App

ver the past couple of years, the Etsy Android team has been focused on increasing the stability of the Etsy app, to keep users from seeing this dreaded message:

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How We Solve the Sideloading Crash After App Bundle Implementation

Tokopedia patches crashes from sideloading after app bundle use.

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Designing Resilient Systems Beyond Retries (Part 3: Architecture Patterns and Chaos Engineering)

Grab finishes with patterns and chaos testing for unbreakable systems.

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Designing Resilient Systems Beyond Retries (Part 2: Bulkheading, Load Balancing, and Fallbacks)

Grab adds bulkheads, balancing, and fallbacks for resilient apps.

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Designing Resilient Systems Beyond Retries (Part 1: Rate Limiting)

Grab starts building tough systems with rate limiting to stay strong.

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Improving Product Reliability by Imposing Constraints as a Part of CI/CD Process

Revolut adds CI/CD rules to make their app more trustworthy.

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Preventing Pipeline Calls from Crashing Redis Clusters

Grab keeps Redis steady when pipeline calls hit hard and heavy.

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Structured Logging: The Best Friend You'll Want When Things Go Wrong

Grab logs smartly to troubleshoot app issues quick and painlessly.

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