How Shopify tackles Testing in mobile performance


Showing 6 of 6 articles (Page 1 of 1)

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Tophat: Crafting a Delightful Mobile Developer Experience

Shopify’s Tophat app offers one-click testing, making dev life way sweeter.

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Shopfiy Tophat: Crafting a Delightful Mobile Developer Experience

Shopify’s Tophat app makes mobile testing a one-click dream for devs.

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Building a Dynamic Mobile CI System

Shopify crafted a flexible CI system that scales fast for mobile dev needs.

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Measuring React Native Rendering Times

Shopify tracks React Native rendering to squeeze out every bit of speed.

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iOS Application Testing Strategies at Shopify

Shopify built a tough testing framework to ship flawless iOS features every time.

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Introducing the Super Debugger: A Wireless, Real-Time Debugger for iOS Apps

Shopify’s wireless Super Debugger catches iOS bugs in real time, no cables needed.

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