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Modularizing Our Driver App for Android: The Process (Part-2)

Gojek walks through how they broke their driver app into pieces, step by step.

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Building a Multi-Pipeline CI Setup for Running Automated Tests in GitLab

Gojek built a slick multi-pipeline CI in GitLab to run automated tests fast and smooth.

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GoTransit: Unifying Our Mobility Products with Public Transportation

Gojek ties their services to public transit, making trips seamless for everyone.

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Planting Trees One Ride at a Time

Gojek’s ‘GoGreener’ feature lets riders plant trees to offset their carbon footprint.

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Introducing Skynet: Infrastructure as Code for Gojek

‘Skynet’ is Gojek’s way of managing cloud setup for hundreds of microservices.

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How We Designed a Component Leading to Better Readability, Scaling, and Testing

GoTransit crafted a clean component that scales well and makes testing a breeze.

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Reducing Our Build Time by 50%

Gojek halved their Android build times to keep their developers moving fast.

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